Volume 1, Number 2

What's New

Since the last issue. . .

Tsunami Response Activities

PDC has continued to work on a variety of activities relating to the Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster, including:

ThoughtWeb Relief, and the

Indian Ocean Earthquake Notification System

International Highlights

World Conference on Disaster Reduction
The World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR) was a landmark international event aimed at increasing the profile of disaster risk reduction, and convened in Kobe, Japan from January 18-22.

PDC played a strong role at WCDR by co-sponsoring the "Thematic Session," Addressing the Root Causes of Vulnerability of Human Settlements in Megacities with the Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative (EMI) and UN HABITAT. PDC and EMI also co-sponsored the symposium, Disaster Risk Reduction for Megacities in Asia: Planning and Implementation.

Marikina City, Philippines Project
The Marikina City Multi-hazard Urban Risk Assessment Project has been completed. As part of the project, PDC was able to demonstrate--via a "Map Viewer" system designed for the city--that sound mitigation practices over the past decade have reduced flood risk by more than 50% to city residences. Based on this understanding of the value of sound flood mitigation practices, the Marikina City Mayor has set a strategic goal of eliminating flood risks to city housing by 2015.

Mekong River Project
To further knowledge about the patterns and consequences of flooding for disaster management organizations in South East Asia, PDC has completed two activities in the Lower Mekong River Basin. The Mekong River VESR (Vulnerability-Exposure-Sensitivity-Resilience) project applied an innovative geospatial methodology to map and characterize flooding vulnerability at a regional scale in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Lao PDR. A separate project used high-resolution satellite imagery and flood modeling to more precisely estimate risks at the community level in Cambodia.

Hawaii Support

On February 25, PDC formally announced the launch of the Hawaii HAZUS Atlas project before the Hawaii State Earthquake Advisory Committee’s "Earthquake Workshop" in Hilo. Over 100 stakeholders attended, including Hawai’i County Mayor Harry Kim.

In January, a high-level delegation from Malaysia paid a visit to Hawaii State Civil Defense to learn about the State of Hawaii's tsunami readiness procedures. To support HSCD in this effort, PDC created detailed maps of Honolulu showing tsunami evacuation zones and emergency routes.

Hawaii Community Outreach

Partnering with the Akimeka Maui Digital Bus and Maui Community College’s Na Pua No’eau Super Enrichment Saturday Program for Gifted Native Hawaiian Children, PDC provided a GIS and a natural hazards training for 20 Native Hawaiian high school students on March 12.

Of Note . . .

The latest issue of PDC Perspectives is published. "2004 - Year of the Hurricanes or Typical Storm Year?" focuses on last year’s destructive Atlantic and Northwest Pacific tropical cyclone seasons, multi-decadal patterns of storm activity, and the possible influence of Global Climate Change.

Two professional papers are available that were presented at the First International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction. The conference took place parallel to the WCDR.

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