January 2006Volume 2, Number 1

What's New

One Year After the Tsunami: Reflections on Courage

In the last issue. . .

! News Release

Contract Signed with Thai Disaster Warning Center

PDC signed a contract with Thailand's National Disaster Warning Center to help develop the Thai Center's disaster warning platform. The U.S. Trade and Development Agency-funded project will provide technical assistance to support the Center's capacity building and disaster warning needs.

International Highlights

Tsunami Awareness Kit
To foster tsunami awareness in the Pacific Islands, PDC partnered with the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission and other agencies to develop a "Tsunami Awareness Kit"--a comprehensive resource tailored to the unique culture and geography of the region.

PDC Joins Earth Sciences Federation
PDC has joined the prestigious Federation of Earth Science Information Partners, and will contribute to the international consortium's diverse spectrum of data centers, researchers, scientists, and others who share Earth sciences-related information across a variety of fields.

Training Disaster Managers in Asia
As part of its commitment to providing information and analysis for disaster management leaders in Asia, PDC recently developed and taught a two-day training program at Japan's Kobe University.

Hawaii Support

In December, PDC conducted an extensive training for Hawaii State Civil Defense on the Hawaii edition of the Natural Hazards Atlas, which will help disaster managers prepare for the hazard threats that face the islands. In addition, PDC provided a variety of imagery support, including for U.S. Pacific Command's hurricane exercise, as well as to a series of community forums on Oahu organized by Hawaii State Civil Defense.

Hawaii Community Outreach

This past quarter, PDC participated in a research expedition organized by the Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission. PDC has been supporting the efforts of the Commission by supplying key GIS data to assist its island restoration efforts. More in the next issue...

Of Note . . .

This past quarter, PDC conducted a landslide workshop and actively participated in U.S.-Vietnam Science and Technology Days in Hanoi, Vietnam. More in the next issue...

Recent media coverage has included articles on the Thai National Disaster Warning Center project, the Vietnam workshops, and participation in a disaster management conference in India.

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