October 2005Volume 1, Number 4

What's New

Since the last issue. . .

International Highlights

Thailand National Disaster Warning Center
The U.S. Trade and Development Agency and Thailand's National Disaster Warning Center (NDWC) announced that PDC was selected to provide technical assistance under a major grant award to support the development of the NDWC.

Information Sharing in Southeast Asia
To help foster disaster information sharing in Southeast Asia, PDC has been collaborating with the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management. Recent activities include developing a comprehensive Information and Communication Technology Assessment covering each of ASEAN's Member Countries.

International Disaster Charter
Following on the heels of a training session in September, PDC is assuming duties to support the International Charter "Space and Major Disasters" to assist disaster relief operations in the Asia Pacific region.

Tsunami Awareness Kit
To help Pacific Island nations prepare for the potentially devastating impacts of tsunamis, PDC is collaborating with the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission, the International Tsunami Information Center, as well as other regional and national organizations to develop a "Tsunami Awareness Kit" tailored to the unique needs of the region. More in the next issue...

Earthquakes and Megacities Program As part of a collaborative project with the Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative, PDC and EMI conducted extensive fieldwork in Kathmandu and Manila last quarter, and are developing risk communications tools for both cities. More in the next issue...

Hawaii Support

PDC has formally unveiled the Hawaii HAZUS Atlas, a resource to help Hawaii's disaster managers better prepare for potentially devastating earthquakes. In addition, PDC closely monitored Tropical Cyclones Jova and Kenneth as they approached the Hawaiian Islands.

Hawaii Community Outreach

In the last quarter, PDC hosted three Maui Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster meetings, covering topics such as local approaches to preparing for terrorist attacks, securing emergency communications during disasters, and supporting Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.

Of Note . . .

Special Achievements in GIS Award: PDC received Environmental Systems Research Institute's prestigious "SAG Award" at July's 2005 ESRI International User Conference.

Recent media coverage includes PDC's assistance to Katrina relief operations, tropical cyclones in the Pacific, the Tsunami Awareness Kit, and Hawaii's weather patterns.

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