Volume 1, Number 3

What's New

Since the last issue. . .

International Highlights

South East Asia Projects
Two projects rapidly developed in the second quarter of 2005:

1) Experts from PDC, the Philippines, and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) completed Information Technology Assessments for all 10 ASEAN countries as part of a PDC-developed "Disaster Information Sharing and Communication Network" project.

2) PDC is providing ongoing support to the development of
Thailand's National Disaster Warning Center. This has so far included participating in the Center's Grand Opening, conducting a tabletop exercise, and providing Thai officials with "hands-on" technical assistance.

More in the next issue...

To assist marine planners and ship designers worldwide, PDC supported the Maui High Performance Computing Center's Office of Naval Research-funded "Project ENDEAVOR." The project leverages the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's massive worldwide database of historical ocean conditions, and provides a seamless geospatial interface. The application was used to assess transportation logistics for Indian Ocean tsunami relief operations.

Tonga Assessment
Completed an "Information and Communications Technology Assessment" for the Kingdom of Tonga as part of a project funded by the U.S. Department of State. The Assessment analyzed Tonga's capability to access weather products and to disseminate critical information to disaster managers.

Hawaii Support

PDC recently supported several major state exercises, including the Statewide Distant Tsunami Exercise, May's "Makani Pahili" Annual State Hurricane Exercise, the 93rd Civil Support Team's Kauai field exercise, and the 196th Infantry Division's tsunami exercise.

Hawaii Community Outreach

In 2005, PDC continues to collaborate with Maui County's schools and summer programs as part of an ongoing commitment to Hawaii's communities.

Of Note . . .

ESRI Award: PDC received Environmental Systems Research Institute's (ESRI) prestigious Special Achievements in GIS Award at the 2005 ESRI International User Conference.

Product Update: Version 2.1 of the Natural Hazards Atlas is available. Major enhancements include the addition of National Weather Service products in the Atlas's Hawaii edition.

Recent media coverage includes PDC's Indian Ocean tsunami web page being featured by CBS News, work in the Pacific Islands, and Maui-related weather analysis.

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